Wood fiber accounts for more than 90% of the raw material used in the production of paper and board products, and it can come from a variety of sources. These sources can be slushed virgin fiber that is produced onsite, market pulp from other pulp mills, or recycled/secondary fiber. This course will cover recycled fiber sources and the processes that are used to turn that fiber into clean papermaking stock
•Define the terms: "market pulp," "recycled fiber," "pre-consumer waste," and "post consumer waste"
•State the primary goal of a recycled fiber facility
•Identify and describe the main components of a repulper
•List the three physical characteristics which are used to separate fiber and contaminants
•Describe the principle behind centrifugal cleaning
•Explain the principle of separation that applies to the screening process
•Identify and describe the major components of a cylindrical pressure screen
•Describe how flotation is used to separate fibers and ink
•List safety hazards and safety guidelines associated with repulping and cleaning equipment
Industrial Libraries
- Convergence Industrial Maintenance Library
- Convergence Pulping Library
- Industrial Premium