Kraft pulping is a process which uses chemicals to convert wood chips into individual fibers to make paper or other cellulose-based products. There are a number of chemical processes for pulping wood, but the kraft process is by far the most prevalent. One reason for this is that the chemicals in the cooking liquor can be recovered, recycled, and used again. This module will cover the chemistry of kraft cooking, the testing of the cooking liquor, and the process for reclaiming the active cooking chemicals.
•Identify the major compounds, which make up wood
•Describe white liquor and its chemical makeup
•Identify the major steps in the kraft liquor cycle
•Describe how wood is "cooked" to become pulp
•Describe how to determine AA, EA, TTA, and sulfidity
•Describe the hazards associated with cooking liquors
•Describe the impact of high chlorides in the liquor cycle
•Describe how chlorides can be removed from liquor
Industrial Libraries
- Convergence Industrial Maintenance Library
- Convergence Pulping Library
- Industrial Premium