This presentation examines how Climate Change Policies can address the potential impacts of climate change in order to protect human health, natural and cultural resources, and the environment. These policies include international, national, regional, state-wide, multi-disciplinery, and local strategies that collectively are intended to help minimize damage from hurricanes, wild fires, flooding, storms, sea level rise, storm surge, drought, and other climate-related disasters. The goal is to understand how individuals, firms, organizations, and governments can be an intrical part of developing and implement Climate Change Polices. The presention will explore how politics influence Climate Change Policies and how these policies can be linked to the planning process at local levels.
Note: This is a live webinar delivered via GoToWebinar. Session instructions will be emailed to you 24-48 hours prior to the webinar and the morning of the webinar
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Identify the basics of Climate Change Policy at the international, national, and local level.
- Explore how Climate Change Policy integrates "smart data" when building a design-making framework that keeps the public safe.
- Discuss the potential benefits of Climate Change Policy in terms of protecting natural resources, maintaining environmental systems, reducing flooding, and minimize long-term climate impacts for the welfare of a community.
- Discuss trends in Climate Change Policy, how it has evolved, and potential future directions for climate policies for community welfare.