Wood fiber accounts for more than 90% of the raw material used in the production of paper and board products, and it can come from a variety of sources. These sources can be slushed virgin fiber that is produced onsite, market pulp from other pulp mills, or recycled/secondary fiber. This course will cover the storage and handling of market pulp and recycled fiber bales at papermaking facilities.
•Define the terms "integrated mill," "market pulp," "recycled fiber," "pre-consumer waste," and "post consumer waste"
•Identify and describe the major differences between market pulp fiber and recycled fiber
•Identify and describe the equipment used during bale handling
•Explain why indoor bale storage is preferred over outdoor storage
•Explain why it is good practice to sort bales in the warehouse by grade and source
•Identify and describe safety hazards and safety guidelines associated with bale handling
Industrial Libraries
- Convergence Industrial Maintenance Library
- Convergence Pulping Library
- Industrial Premium