This course is intended for Canadian-based companies and individuals and meets Canadian regulations. Every second counts in the event of a fire. In only 30 seconds, small flames can get out of control and turn into a major fire, which can lead to an injury or a fatality. In this course, you will learn about the nature of fire, preventative and protective measures, fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, alarms, fire extinguisher use, evacuation, the stop, drop, and roll procedure, and more.
• Identify ways the danger of fire can be eliminated or minimized
• Identify and describe the elements necessary for fire
• List methods of fire prevention
• Describe the different fire protection methods
• Describe evacuation procedures
• Differentiate between the classifications of fire
• Describe the rating system used for Class A and B portable fire extinguishers
• List in order the steps for using a portable fire extinguisher (PASS)
• Describe what to do if your or someone else's clothing catches fire